The Best Repair Shop in Oldwick for Your Jaguar’s Timing Chain Tensioner Issues
Timing is everything! It’s not a hyperbole when we say that about your car’s engine. Everything in your Jaguar’s engine is well-balanced, and every action in the engine happens in a timely manner. When the timing is off, problems occur. Obviously, there are parts in your Jaguar’s engine that control, regulate, and assist in keeping all these actions synchronized. In today’s article, we will discuss one such component called the timing chain tensioner (TCT). We will note the symptoms to watch out for when this component begins to wear out. We’ll also give you tips on what to do about it.
What is a Timing Chain Tensioner (TCT) and Timing Chain?
In order to understand what a timing chain tensioner (TCT) is, we must first understand what the timing chain or belt is and what it does.
- Timing Chain: The timing chain or timing belt is part of the timing chain system that allows the crankshaft and camshaft to rotate and operate in harmony. The timely opening and closing of the engine’s valves during the firing of the cylinders is absolutely critical for your car to be able to function properly. The timing chain ensures that all rotations and movements are synchronized. It is located inside the engine and requires engine oil to lubricate it.
- Timing Chain Vs.Timing Belt: You may have heard both terms being used. Their function is similar. However, the timing chain is made of metal, whereas the timing belt is made of rubber and is not long-lasting. Therefore, in modern cars, you’ll find timing chains as opposed to timing belts.
- Timing Chain Tensioner (TCT): The TCT is a small component that uses pressure to keep the timing belt in correct tension, so that the crankshaft and the camshaft continue to rotate in sync. It holds the timing chain in position so that it does not slip or come off its sprockets. Depending on the design, the tensioner can use spring tension or hydraulic pressure.
What happens When a Timing Chain Tensioner Starts to Go Bad?
Here are some indications that the timing chain tensioner is beginning to deteriorate.
- Rattling or Whirring Noises: You might hear metal-on-metal rattling sounds from your Jaguar’s engine. Sometimes it may sound like a whirring noise as you increase speed.
- Misfiring Engine: When the timing chain tensioner cannot hold the correct tension anymore, the timing belt can get stretched and become loose, which will certainly desynchronize the timing of the engine. This will lead to misfirings in the engine.
- Reduced Power: When you push on the gas pedal, you notice your Jaguar is sluggish. It may imply there is a TCT issue.
- Rough Idling: If your car shakes and vibrates during idling, you may want your Jaguar’s timing chain tensioner checked out.
- Car Backfires: Backfiring, which sounds like a very loud pop, similar to a firecracker going off, happens when the engine shifts out of time. In other words, the engine’s timing is off. It’s a good idea to have the TCT looked at.
- Poor Fuel Efficiency: If you notice increased fuel consumption, one of the reasons could be a faulty TCT.
- Engine Oil Has Metal Shavings: Sometimes you may end up noticing metal shavings in the oil. This is not to be taken lightly. Left unchecked, this could result in some expensive problems down the road.
- Check Engine Light: A damaged timing chain tensioner will make the Check Engine Light (CIL) come on as a warning. This light is a catchall warning light. The only way to actually know what the underlying problem is, is to have a professional mechanic diagnose the issue with a scanner.
Reasons Why a Timing Chain Tensioner Can Malfunction and How to Avoid It
One of the top reasons a timing chain tensioner fails is because of a lack of engine oil or low oil pressure. Low oil pressure is usually caused by dirty oil, which clogs up the system. This is an easy fix! All you have to do is follow your Jaguar’s recommended maintenance schedule. A professional garage such as ours can easily help you with that. Keeping up with the engine oil is simple and inexpensive, but a timing chain system problem can not only be a nuisance, it can lead to complete engine failure, which turns into a nightmare.
At Oldwick Village Garage, our trained mechanics can help you with any problem with your car. Give us a call or book an appointment. Bring your Jaguar over to any of our locations in New Jersey. We’re in Oldwick Village Garage, and Tewksbury.